In the dynamic landscape of English language proficiency assessments, the IELTS Speaking test stands as a pivotal milestone for countless individuals around the world. Achieving a high band score in this section is often the difference between realizing academic or career aspirations and facing setbacks.
In this blog, we will navigate through the lesser-explored terrain of collocations and idiomatic expressions, delving into their profound impact on your IELTS Speaking performance. These linguistic gems are not mere decorative ornaments; they are the lynchpins that can elevate your fluency, coherence, and lexical resource scores. With our expert guidance, you will unlock the power of collocations and idioms, adding depth and authenticity to your spoken English, and ultimately, securing a higher band score.
Prepare to embark on a linguistic adventure that will not only improve your IELTS performance but also enhance your language proficiency for real-world communication. Let’s begin the journey to discover the world of collocations and idioms and unravel their incredible influence on your IELTS Speaking band score.
20 Common Idioms for IELTS, Providing with Sentence Examples
Idiom 1: Break a Leg: “Break a leg! You’re about to begin the IELTS Speaking test.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: Before an important performance or event, people often use this idiom to wish someone good luck.
Idiom 2: Bite the Bullet: “She had to bite the bullet and confront her fear of public speaking during the interview.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To face a difficult situation bravely or endure something unpleasant.
Idiom 3: Keep Your Chin Up: “I know the IELTS exam can be challenging, but keep your chin up; you’ve got this!”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To encourage someone to stay optimistic in tough times.
Idiom 4: A Piece of Cake: “The first speaking task was a piece of cake.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: Describing a task as very easy.
Idiom 5: Hit the Nail on the Head: “The examiner hit the nail on the head with their feedback.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: When someone is exactly right or accurate in what they say or do.
Idiom 6: On Cloud Nine: “After receiving her IELTS results, she was on cloud nine.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To be extremely happy or joyful.
Idiom 7: Costs an Arm and a Leg: “Taking IELTS preparation courses can sometimes cost an arm and a leg.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: Referring to something that is very expensive.
Idiom 8: Don’t Cry Over Spilt Milk: “I made a mistake during the speaking test, but I won’t cry over spilt milk.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To advise someone not to dwell on past mistakes.
Idiom 9: Pull Someone’s Leg: “Are you serious, or are you just pulling my leg?”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To tease or joke with someone in a playful manner.
Idiom 10: Hit the Books: “If you want to excel in the IELTS, it’s time to hit the books.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To start studying intensively or seriously.
Idiom 11: Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover: “Although his English sounded basic, don’t judge a book by its cover; he scored exceptionally well.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To remind someone not to judge someone or something based on appearances.
Idiom 12: It’s Raining Cats and Dogs: “The weather turned bad suddenly, and it’s raining cats and dogs.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: Describing heavy rainfall.
Idiom 13: The Ball is in Your Court: “After the examiner’s question, the ball is in your court.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To indicate that someone has the responsibility or opportunity to make a decision or take action.
Idiom 14: Break the Ice: “To start the speaking test, let’s break the ice with an introduction.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To initiate a conversation or ease tension in a social situation.
Idiom 15: Barking Up the Wrong Tree: “If you think memorizing essays will help you, you’re barking up the wrong tree.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To be pursuing a mistaken or misguided course of action.
Idiom 16: Read Between the Lines: “When answering, remember to read between the lines of the examiner’s questions.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To understand a deeper or hidden meaning in something that is said or written.
Idiom 17: Let the Cat Out of the Bag: “Oops, I let the cat out of the bag by mentioning the surprise party.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To accidentally reveal a secret.
Idiom 18: Jumping on the Bandwagon: “Many IELTS candidates are jumping on the bandwagon of online preparation courses.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To join a popular trend or activity.
Idiom 19: Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket: “While preparing for IELTS, don’t put all your eggs in one basket; explore different study methods.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To advice against relying on a single strategy or option.
Idiom 20: Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining: “Though the speaking test was challenging, remember, every cloud has a silver lining.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To emphasize the positive aspect of a difficult situation.
Conclusion: Idioms are like the spices of language, adding flavor and depth to your speech. Incorporate them naturally into your conversations and IELTS Speaking test to make a lasting impression. Practice using idiomatic expressions, and remember, “The sky’s the limit” when it comes to your language proficiency!

Here’s a list of 20 Uncommon Idioms, Along with Meaning/Sentence Usage for Each
Idiom 21: Cast in Stone: “You’re IELTS score isn’t cast in stone; with practice and dedication, you can improve.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: Referring to something as unchangeable or fixed.
Idiom 22: Fish Out of Water: “In the speaking test, some candidates feel like a fish out of water.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To describe someone who feels uncomfortable or out of place in a particular situation.
Idiom 23: Burn the Midnight Oil: “To excel in IELTS, you might need to burn the midnight oil and study late.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To work or study late into the night.
Idiom 24: Paint the Town Red: “After the exam, we decided to paint the town red to celebrate.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To go out and have a wild and enjoyable time.
Idiom 25: Blow One’s Own Trumpet: “It’s essential to showcase your skills in the speaking test but avoid blowing your own trumpet excessively.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To brag about one’s achievements or abilities.
Idiom 26: Feather in One’s Cap: “A high IELTS score is a feather in your cap when applying for scholarships.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: An accomplishment or achievement to be proud of.
Idiom 27: Burn Bridges: “Be cautious in the speaking test; you don’t want to burn bridges with the examiner.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To damage or destroy relationships or opportunities with no chance of reconciliation.
Idiom 28: Cry Over the Spilt Milk: “Even if you didn’t do well in the speaking test, don’t cry over the spilt milk; focus on the next section.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To dwell on past mistakes or losses.
Idiom 29: Elephant in the Room: “In the group discussion, no one addressed the elephant in the room – the controversial topic.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: A noticeable issue or problem that everyone is ignoring.
Idiom 30: Hit the Ground Running: “In your IELTS preparation, it’s crucial to hit the ground running from day one.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To start something energetically and efficiently.
Idiom 31: Skeletons in the Closet: “During the interview, they tried to uncover any skeletons in my closet.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: Hidden or embarrassing secrets or truths about a person or organization.
Idiom 32: Cross That Bridge when you come to it: “Don’t worry about the writing section yet; cross that bridge when you come to it.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To deal with a problem or situation when it arises, not in advance.
Idiom 33: Jump Through Hoops: “Candidates often feel like they have to jump through hoops to meet the IELTS requirements.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To perform difficult or time-consuming tasks or requirements.
Idiom 34: In the Same Boat: “We’re all in the same boat, facing the challenge of the IELTS exam.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To be in a similar situation or facing similar difficulties as others.
Idiom 35: Diamond in the Rough: “Her English skills were a diamond in the rough, but with practice, she polished them.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: Referring to something or someone with potential but lacking refinement.
Idiom 36: Donkey’s Years: “I haven’t seen her in donkey’s years; it’s been a long time.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: A very long time.
Idiom 37: See Eye to Eye: “In group discussions, we don’t always see eye to eye, but we respect each other’s opinions.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To agree or have the same opinion as someone.
Idiom 38: Pie in the Sky: “Scoring a perfect band score without preparation is just a pie in the sky.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: Something that is unrealistic or too optimistic.
Idiom 39: The Devil is in the Details: “When practicing essays, remember that the devil is in the details – pay attention to grammar and structure.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: The most important part or the problem is hidden in the details.
Idiom 40: Strike While the Iron is Hot: “After acing the practice test, it’s the perfect time to strike while the iron is hot and continue studying.”
Meaning/Sentence Usage: To take advantage of an opportunity while it’s available.
These uncommon idioms add depth and color to your language skills. Incorporate them naturally into your speech and writing to impress examiners and communicate more effectively. Remember, “The world is your oyster” when it comes to learning idiomatic expressions!
This lesson/text provides 20 uncommon idioms, their meanings, Meaning/Sentence Usage, and s, allowing learners to expand their idiom repertoire for the IELTS Speaking test and daily conversations. Feel free to use it as a valuable resource for your readers.
At ESPI Coaching, we take immense pride in our unwavering commitment to the highest teaching standards and the success of our students. Our specialized program, “Mastering English for IELTS,” is meticulously designed to start from the ground level, equipping learners with the essential language skills required for everyday communication and gradually advancing them to a level of proficiency that shines brightly in the IELTS exam. We understand that achieving a high band score is not merely a goal; it’s a life-changing aspiration for many.
As we nurture each student’s language abilities, we empower them to excel in the IELTS Speaking test and beyond. Our holistic approach to language mastery is a testament to our dedication, as we witness countless students soar to new heights in their IELTS journey, unlocking opportunities that were once beyond reach. With ESPI Coaching, you’re not just preparing for a test; you’re mastering English for a lifetime of success. Join us on this transformative path towards excellence, and let your dreams take flight!!!
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